Current & Upcoming Chapters
The original Home Base for Walkin' & Rollin' Costumes. This is located in the Kansas City Metro area, and covers much of Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and about anything west of the midwest.
Launched in 2023, the Blue Ridge Region chapter covers a vast area of Tennessee, Kentucky, and most of North and South Carolina.
The Wichita State University chapter of Walkin' & Rollin' Costumes started in 2021. They cover the Wichita, Kansas and surrounding area.
The University of Pittsburgh chapter of Walkin' & Rollin' Costumes started in 2024. They cover the area of Pennsylvania surrounding the college.
Launching in 2025, the University of Arizona chapter of Walkin' & Rollin' Costumes will cover the area of Arizona surrounding the college in Tucson, up to Phoenix.
Walkin' & Rollin' Costumes Chapters
When teams are formed in different cities, it’s often to make one or two costumes. Sometimes, though, those teams want to take it a step further. That’s why we created chapters—to be able to grow these teams into local networks. This means added benefits, as well as responsibilities that come along with maintaining a chapter, such as:
Dedicated Social MediaGet dedicated chapter-specific social media accounts that you can post on to give updates of your progress, recruit volunteers and build your audience.
FundraisingGet access to crowdfunding through the Walkin’ & Rollin’ Costumes website for your specific chapter or costumes you are building.
Event PromotionsAttend local trade shows, Comicons and events to help get the word out. Attract families wanting costumes as well as potential volunteers and builders.