Angel Sponsor
Looking ahead, we’re anticipating a need for the following positions and, of course, production costs, will be needed to be covered in order to meet our organization’s expansion goals. It’s our intent to utilize the following items to more efficiently and creatively be able to fulfill our mission of providing as many costumes, free of charge, to as many children as possible. Won’t you consider becoming an Angel Sponsor?
Part-Time Administrator$15,000
This part-time paid position will allow for improved organizational management and efficiency. The administrator will provide critical support to the executive and creative teams, which will allow each to handle the projected expansion and workloads that will follow as a result. This individual would report directly to the board of directors and be in charge of administrative duties including, but not limited to:
Marketing & Promotions$12,000
This fund would allow us to efficiently target and communicate with our target key growth partners, including hospitals, schools, builders and conventions. We’d use these monies to produce collateral marketing materials to help us find key allies who can help us build our brand and, in turn, increase the number of families we can help. This fund would also cover costs to have us participate in trade shows outside of our chapter cities in order to reach new prospects that may not be familiar with us. These projects will include, but are not limited to:
Professional Videographer$12,000
Walkin' & Rollin' Costumes has produced videos that have helped gather additional funding by raising brand awareness of who we are, what our story is, and what we do as an organization. We’d like to be able to continue this effort through the use of a professional videographer in order to create a series of high-level documentaries of our costumes and creative process with the intent of streamlining production and communication across all facets, as well as to create story-driven, video-based content to allow us to effectively expand our brand and communicate our mission across a variety of media. Video projects will include, but are not limited to:
Equipment & Tools$15,000
As you might imagine, creating costumes for kids in wheelchairs requires the use of many tools. As costumes become more complex in size, scope and detail, new tools are required to meet the imagination of these exceptional kids. The tools needed are, but are not limited to: