"Squeals on Wheels"
Our Annual Costume Reveal Party Returned!
The Live-Stream of all the Squeals!The best way to see what our events are like, are to see our live-stream from our presentation. However, there is so much more to do and see that we don't show on the live-stream. Next year, come to the event to get the full experience.
Our Fantastic Build Teams
Who and What Will Be at the Party
The Reveal of our 200th Costume!In the past 9 years, we have hit a milestone. Our 200th costume was revealed to Ollie for his walker, Crockus. He is a huge Pokemon fan and wanted to catch Charizard for his costume. So when the costume was revealed, he did what any Pokemon catcher would do, he threw his Pokeball to catch it! He was so excited to see what all his new Charizard could do.
The First Annual Awards CeremonyThis year, we announced the release of Awards that each of our volunteers can win, and earn. There are currently 10 different awards they can earn, and if you would like to see what they look like, what the qualifications are to earn them, and to fill out a form if you think you have already earned one, visit our Awards page.
Just-Us League CosplayersThe mission of the Just-Us League is to use cosplay as a way to become the heroes our inner child would want to meet and/or become. We work to bring communities Closer together by making positive outreach; providing smiles, a positive attitude, and laughter to the young and young at heart.
2024 Squeals on Wheels Exclusive T-ShirtThis year's t-shirt and logo for the party was designed by Kelsey Proctor, a local Graphic Designer. Contact us if you are interested in designing a future Walkin' & Rollin' Costumes T-shirt! We are always looking for amazing artists.
Guest Host: Will Ferrell ImpersonatorOur special guest host, THE ONE AND ONLY...
Will Ferrell Impersonator. He has helped host many of our events, introduced us at Planet Comicon, brought people to our booths and is an all around great guy. You never know who he might show up as at the Squeals on Wheels party. In the past, we have had Ricky Bobby, Ron Burgundy, and even Buddy the Elf has helped us reveal a special "Santa Sleigh" wheelchair costume for a girl. He is always a delight and always entertains. |
J + J Photography
Photos from "Squeals on Wheels 24"
Coming Soon!